For forty two years I have blessed palm branches on Palm Sunday, sung the Palm Sunday hymns in procession, gathered with my parishioners for the Eucharist, and wished them a good day as they left the church. This year is totally different for all of us. We cannot gather for Mass, nor can we distribute palm branches, as per our Diocesan directive.
As we enter Holy Week, we are faced with the stark reality that our country, our world will never be the same. We pray for medical professionals who are on the front line of the coronavirus. We unite ourselves with the suffering Christ, who told us so many times in the scriptures, "Be not afraid." This Holy Week is like no other in our lifetimes. Thank God for the availability of Mass online and through social media. I encourage you to go to our Diocesan website, to celebrate the liturgies of Holy Week. We continue to pray for one another, knowing that better days are ahead and that God is with us each day. May the Lord bless and keep you, may God let his face shine upon you, may the Lord fill you with many spiritual blessings, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit +. Amen.