This has been quite a summer!Great weather, but the Covid pandemic has changed the way we live.Wearing facemasks and social distancing is really important and has nothing to do with a "political statement."Following these regulations is for the common good of all our citizens.It looks like the COVID regulations will be with us well into next year.(I just ordered a couple of new facemasks that are adjustable so that it does not pull my ears off!)We are fortunate in New York that the epidemic has gotten under control.Parents now have to make the painful decision about sending their kids back to school or learning in the "virtual classroom."Our kids need the socialization and the personal contact with caring teachers, but we all want our children to be in a safe environment.Let us continue to pray for those who have died because of the pandemic, those who are sick and for the medical personnel who are trying to find a cure.
Congratulations to Jason and Meghan Stone on the occasion of the baptism of their daughter, Molly Carmella Stone. Molly was baptized last weekend after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.May she always know the love of her family members, her friends and our faith community.
Resumption of daily Mass we will have daily Mass on Tuesdays at 12 noon, beginning this week.The Mass will be in the chapel.Masks and distancing will be required. Many thanks for those who continue to send their weekly envelopes to the church office.Our income is down this year because of the pandemic.Your church needs your support fiftytwo weeks per year!
On Sunday, August 30 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, Mr. Ryan Gabriel will be confirmed and receive first Eucharist.Ryan graduated from LeMoyne College last year and he went through the R.C.I.A. process at the college.However, because of the virus, he was not able to receive his sacraments at the end of the academic year.He and his girlfriend are parishioners here.May God bless him as he continues his spiritual journey.
I will be celebrating a Mass at St. Patrick's Oratory in Truxton on Saturday evening, Aug. 29 at 5:30 p.m.