"Peace on earth", there is peace on earth? Where do we begin? We begin with ourselves. toward all.." We hear these words a lot this time of year. We sing it in our hymns, we proclaim it on banners, we give each other the "Peace of Christ" at Mass. Yet as we look around our world, we don't see peace on earth. There are turf wars in several countries in Africa, unrest in Central and South America, discord and division here in our own country. Is world peace achievable? Will there ever be a day when we can truly say that good will talk about how you can be a peacemaker, how you can, "Let peace begin with me" as the song goes. May Christ, the Prince of Peace, bless you and your families with peace, love, and hope for the future.holyday begins at home, in our hearts. It comes through forgiveness of people who have wronged us; it comes through putting hatred and revenge aside; it comes through the presence of Jesus in each one of us. As families gather for the Christmas Peace makingJesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is within you. Jesus is our Prince of Peace. He gives us inner peace, a peace that the world cannot give. Jesus calls each of us to be peacemakers at home, in our families, at school, and in the workplace. Jesus has told us, "I leave you peace, my peace I give to you."
Many thanks to all who donated to our Christmas flower offering in memory of your loved ones. Thank you also to all who helped to decorate our church during Advent and Christmas. Merry Christmas to all!
Please note our church office will be open on Tuesday beginning at noon. JAZZHAPPENSBAND returns to St. Margaret's !!! Mark your calendars for an enjoyable evening with our favorite Jazz/ Dixieland band, SATURDAY, JAN. 13th. Tickets will go on sale next weekend and will also be available at the door. Offering: $10. Come, and celebrate, and chase the winter "blues" away!