Our diocese has informed us of some new safe environment regulations. Any child who wants to use the bathroom at church must be accompanied by an adult. May I suggest that children use the bathroom before Mass or when Mass is over. Also, we will be purchasing a heart defibrillator in the near future that will be kept in the communication area of the church. We are in the process of forming a parish safe environment committee to help comply with any new regulations from our diocese.
Our annual Pasta Dinner is coming up soon: Wednesday, Feb. 27th. You must purchase tickets in advance for this dinner. They are available after Mass or from the parish office.
IRISH STEP DANCERS will once again perform at our church hall !! They will be here Saturday, March 9th after the 4:00 p.m. Mass. Pizza and refreshments will be served. There is no charge for this event.
Are you expecting a child in the near future? Please contact our parish office to set up a pre-baptismal meeting. Godparents are welcome to attend also. One Godparent must be a practicing Catholic, the other can be from another faith.