Dear Parishioners,
Last Saturday's Jazz and Dixieland music was a big hit! We had over 100 people attend, swinging and singing up a storm! The event raised $1,617 for our church. Our thanks to Dave Alexander and his band members for the generous donation of their time and great talents. Many thanks also to our bakers, the committee, and for all those who attended.
Please remember our St. Margaret’s Annual Spaghetti Supper is being held on Wednesday, February 27 in St. Margaret’s Parish Hall. The seatings are at 5 & 6:15 p.m. Take-Outs are available. Advance Sale Tickets ONLY: Feb. 2 – Feb. 24 Please buy your Tickets after the Masses or by calling Elaine (749-7456) Adults - $10 and Children (4-12) $6, 3 & Under - Free. Dinner prepared by Dave Basile and the Central City “Crew”
Today’s Gospel picks up where last week’s Gospel ended, with Jesus identifying himself as the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy about bringing Good News to the afflicted. At first, the crowds clamor after him, until some realize that he grew up among them and begin to question, “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” Jesus responds by comparing himself to two
prophets of old who, likewise, were rejected by their people. The tone is accusatory and the situation quickly escalates to the point that they try to throw him off a cliff.
New to St. Margaret’s? If you have been joining us for Mass on the weekend and you enjoy our parish, we would like for you to become an “official” member of the parish. Our registration forms are available at both entrances of the church. Please take one home to fill out and return to the church.