Thank you to all who made our Christmas liturgies so beautiful, especially Erika Linsdell our Music Director, our Choir, Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic ministers, Ushers, those who decorated our church, money counters [!] and all of our parishioners who came to celebrate the birth of Jesus. God bless you.
Chase away the January blues! Mark your calendars for JAZZ HAPPENS BAND, coming to St. Margaret's at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 25th. Tickets are available after the Masses or at the Parish Office.
Men's Spirituality Group will meet on SATURDAY, JAN. 18TH at 10 a.m. All men of the parish are invited. Coffee and danish will be served. Our Women's Spirituality Group will also meet on JAN. 18th at 10 a.m.
Prayer for the sick.... each week we will include the names of those who have asked for prayers in our bulletin prayer corner. The names will be announced in the Prayer of the Faithful for up to three weeks unless a family member contacts us to request that the name continues on the list.
Are you expecting a child in the near future? Please contact me to arrange for a pre-baptismal class. Sponsors should be active Catholics.