Last week one of our beloved parishioners (and former staff member) passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Eileen Peters gave fifty years of her life to church ministry- as a Catechist, Faith Formation Director and staff member at St. Margaret's. She served on the Diocesan Pastoral Council and was a consultant to several religious education programs in our parishes. Eileen was the Faith Formation Director at St. Patrick's in Whitney Point for thirteen years and was our Faith Formation Director here for six years. During that time, a lay Pastoral Team administered the parish while Fr. Dan DeLorme provided Sacramental Ministry. Eileen was a true "church woman." She loved our church and made so many friends here. She had a deep faith in Jesus and brought joy to so many through her ministry. Her husband David has been very involved in our parish as well, serving as a Eucharistic Minister and member of our choir. She and David had seven children. Her funeral was here this past Wednesday. May she rest in peace.
Our Regional Penance Service this year will be held at St. Anthony's on Monday, March 16th at 7:00 p.m. There will be several priests available for confession. You may also call me at the church office to make an appointment for a private confession.
The Diocese of Syracuse is currently monitoring the situation regarding the coronavirus. At this time, there is no need to curtail or suspend any practices at Mass. Nevertheless, the following is provided for your consideration.
Mass attendance is not obligatory for those who are ill (Code of Canon Law 1983, c. 898; Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), 2181). Those who are ill not only can but should remain at home and participate – as they are able - by watching a broadcast of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on TV or YouTube and by making a spiritual communion.
Those at Mass concerned they may be getting ill are encouraged to (1) refrain from extending hands at the Sign of Peace (some other appropriate gesture may be extended instead – e.g., a smile or nod of the head), (2) receive Holy Communion in the hand rather than on the tongue, and (3) refrain from receiving the Precious Blood from the chalice.
Those who distribute Holy Communion (i.e., priest, deacon, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion) are to practice good hygiene, particularly by washing their hands before and after the distribution of Holy Communion. They should also take care not to touch the hand or tongue of any communicant.