Happy Pentecost Sunday! On that first Pentecost, a group of dispirited followers of Jesus of Nazareth had gathered and locked themselves in an upper room, probably the same room where the last supper was held. We can probably guess that there was more perspiration then inspiration in the room. There was fear and suspicion. The apostles feared that they would suffer the same fate as their master. But then the Holy Spirit came, not like a gentle breeze, but like a hurricane! Their fear went away. They left that upper room with great courage and strength. The disciples went to the market place, where people of several nationalities gathered. There they proclaimed to all how they had been changed by the power of the Holy Spirit and how we are changed by the Spirit. You have received the gifts of the Spirit- the gift of understanding your faith, the gift of holiness and peace, and the gift of love and forgiveness. When we "live by the Spirit" we bring God's love to others. So share the Good News this week, that Jesus is alive and present in our lives!
You are probably aware that Bishop Douglas Lucia has given permission for us to resume public Masses on weekends. However, there are several restrictions placed on our churches. Only 10 people per Mass are allowed in church. Parishes are to devise a system of "registration" (phone in or online registration) for people to reserve a place at Sunday Mass. Face masks must be worn. No hymnals, holy water, passing of the collection baskets, singing, sign of peace, or gatherings after Mass are allowed. Parishioners must bring their own hand sanitizers. People 65 years of age and over are strongly encouraged to stay home (I'm 69!). In light of all these regulations, we will not be resuming public weekend Masses until a greater number of parishioners are allowed in church. I will continue to live stream Mass on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and will send emails to you each week. The Bishop has dispensed the faithful from the obligation of attending Mass.
Also please mark your calendars for a FAMILY BLESSING in our parking lot, Sat. June 13 at 4:00 p.m. and Sun. June 14 at 11:30 a.m. You may enter the parking lot and ushers will direct you to form two lines with the cars. You may wear a mask (I will have one on) and please remain in your car for the blessing. Blessings will be given rain or shine! Please spread the word! I am looking forward to seeing you then.
Happy 80th birthday to NANCY BARBER !! Please send Nancy a card to congratulate her!
In last week’s bulletin, I failed to include our new Pastoral Associate’s last name … he is Dan Reynolds and he will begin his ministry with us on July 1.
Also, Mary Alice and Harry Bellardini will be leaving us. They will be moving to North Carolina to be near their son and daughter-in-law. Mary Alice and Buck have given so much time and talent to this parish and our community. They have served as lector, usher, pastoral council rep, garden committee, buildings and grounds committee, and many other parish activities. Mary Alice was Mayor of Homer for several years. We will truly miss them and we wish them well in their new home. A "parade" is being organized on Saturday, June 13th down Main Street in Homer. If you want to participate, we will gather at Durkee Park at 10 a.m. on June 13th. The parade in front of their Main Street home will begin around 10:15 a.m. Please come and say good bye to our friends!