It was great to see so many of you at the Volunteer Appreciation / New Parishioner Gathering. I hope you all had a great time and again, “Thank You,” for your service to the church though your ministries. St. Margaret’s is a warm and welcoming Parish because of your dedication.
At this Sunday’s Mass we are welcoming our Confirmation Candidates from St. Margaret's, St. Anthony’s, St. Patrick’s (Truxton), and St. Lawrence (DeRuyter). After Mass, they will be attending the Confirmation Retreat in the Parish Hall which is led by students from the Hall Newman Center at SUNY Oswego. Confirmation will be at St. Anthony’s Church on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7:00 p.m.
There will be second collection next weekend (Oct. 6 & 7) to benefit the relief efforts for those affected by Hurricane Florence. If you are donating by check, please make your check payable to St. Margaret’s Church and in the memo line indicate Hurricane Florence Fund.
On Sat. Oct. 20th our Men’s Spirituality Group will meet. We will start off with coffee and socializing, have a prayer time, a video, and a lively discussion.
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, October 24th for our annual HARVEST DINNER, put on by our good friends at Central City Grill. Tickets are available after the Masses until Sunday, October 13th.