“At first we were very apprehensive to go to another parishioner’s home and share our most intimate details about our lives with people we had not met. However, we were completely surprised to be welcomed into a wonderful home environment which supported open and honest communication. Our mentors (John and Carol) were extremely wonderful and assisted me and my husband to speak about things which we had not spoken about. I found this process to be extremely helpful. Upon returning for our second session, we were both excited to continue our conversation. I would recommend Marriage Prep and our mentors to any couple thinking about the pre-Cana process.” (Testimony from a Couple Married Recently at St. Margaret’s)
The celebration of marriage is a beautifully significant moment in the life of a couple and of the Church. It is a celebration of life, love, and the call of God in the presence of the Church and those who have loved and supported them through the years. The natural setting for such a celebration is the faith community in which they have grown in love and faith over the years; and so the Church, your parish, celebrates with them this special moment of sacrament and life.