Dear Parishioners, Last weekend the annual "March for Life" took place in Washington, D.C. It was interesting how the media covered this yearly event. While it is not a specifically Catholic event, sometimes the media identifies the march with the Catholic Church. The march draws people from all faiths who believe that life is sacred from the time of conception until natural death. The pro-life stance of the Catholic Church involves many facets: Protection for the unborn, the handicapped and disabled, the sick, the poor, the frail, the homeless, and those marginalized in our society. This is what is called the "seamless garment of life" that was articulated so well by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernadin of Chicago. Initially, Bernardin spoke out against nuclear war and abortion. However, he quickly expanded the scope of his view to include all aspects of human life. Cardinal Bernardin said, "The spectrum of life cuts across the issues of genetics, abortion, capital punishment, modern warfare, and the care of the terminally ill." Pope Saint John Paul II summed it up very well for us, "Respect, protect, love and serve life, every human life. Only in this direction will you find justice, development, true freedom, peace, and happiness." In St. John's Gospel, Jesus says, "I came that they might have life and have it to the fullest." Our Chief of Police here in Homer, Robert Pitman, has asked us to host a "civilian response toactive shooting event." Law enforcement officers are frequently requested by schools, businesses, and community members for directions and presentations on what they should do if confronted with a violent shooting event. The workshop that will be held here will provide strategies, guidance, and a plan for surviving an active shooting event. The date is Saturday, February 17th from 1-3 p.m. in our church hall. You do not have to pre-register for this event. POT LUCK PARISH DINNER...A great mid-winter event for our parish! On Tuesday, Feb. 13th, we will have a pot-luck dinner in our church hall at 6:00 p.m. Please bring a dish to pass. The church will provide meat and beverages. Please sign up in the back of the church and what dish you can share. (Suggested size is for ten people). I will be away next weekend on winter break; Fr. Ken Kirkman from St. Mary's will be here for our weekend liturgies. Please note that there are no daily Masses next week.