Many thanks for celebrating my fortieth anniversary last weekend. The gathering Saturday and Sunday after Masses was so enjoyable. I really enjoyed the Mass last Sunday and the special blessing that you sang at the end. I am most grateful to the Faith Formation parents for the gift certificate to Greek Peak. Thanks also to Wayne and Toni Williams, Christine Williams, Ann Marie Mooney, Robert and Wendy Palomo, Kathy Reynolds and all who helped to make the celebration such a great event. I can't say that I'll serve forty more years.... but I'll give it my best shot !!
Last week saw the passing of one of our Pastoral Council members, Margaret Perfetti. Margaret was well known in our community. She was a devoted Catholic and gave of her time and talent so generously to our church. Besides serving on our Pastoral Council, she served as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, member of the book club, small Christian Communities, weekly Bible study group and when the parish celebrated St. Margaret's Day, Margaret Perfetti would be the speaker, enlightening us about our patron, St. Margaret of Scotland. Margaret participated in daily Mass and also led a widow's support group. Margaret left her mark on this parish community. She will be greatly missed. Rest in peace.
Congratulations to our children who will receive First Eucharist this weekend. We are so happy for you! Their names will be in next week's bulletin. Thanks to our catechists and parents for helping our children in their faith journey.