On Tuesday of this week, we will welcome Bishop Douglas Lucia to confer the sacrament of Confirmation on our candidates. There are 17 candidates from St. Margaret's, 11 from St. Mary's, one from St. Anthony's and one from St. Lawrence. Our director of music ministry, Erika Linsdell, has been working hard with the combined choirs from our area parishes for the celebration. A reception will take place in our church hall right after the ceremony. We have not hosted the Confirmation ceremony in several years and we are very happy to welcome our bishop and pray for our Confirmation candidates. Also our thanks to Carlos and Helene Karam for hosting coffee hour last Sunday.
Did you make your Hope Appeal pledge or donation yet? This year's Hope Appeal will be coming to a close at the end of November. Please send in your donation to our office. Presently we have received $19,835 toward our parish goal of $26,032 with 87 families pledged.
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, October 23rd for our annual HARVEST DINNER put on by our good friends at Central City Grill. Advance Sale Tickets available until Sunday, October 13 after weekend Masses.