This weekend we are praying for victims of clergy sexual abuse. Our church has been deeply wounded by the sins of the priests and hierarchy. The Holy Father has summoned the hierarchy of every national Catholic Conference around the world to meet in Rome February 21-24, 2019. This is a first-of-its-kind to discuss prevention of abuse by Roman Catholic clerics and the protection of children. The planned Vatican meeting is believed to be unprecedented, indicating that the church recognizes that clergy sex abuse is a global problem. Our bishop has asked our clergy to pray for forgiveness, to continue to be faithful to our promises, and to be vigilant in the protection of the children in our parishes.
Our Pastoral Council will meet this Monday, Sept. 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room. Any parishioner is welcome to attend.
Next Saturday, September 22nd, after the 4 p.m. Mass, we will have our annual Volunteer Appreciation & New Parishioner Social in the church hall; hot hors d'ovres, beverages, music and great conversation! If you haven't responded to the invitation, please do so by Monday so we can plan on food, etc. We also invite any of our friends from St. Patrick's Oratory in Truxton who worship with us. Please respond by email or call our church office at 749-2542.
If you were away during the summer, please make up your church envelopes. Your parish depends upon your support fifty two weeks out of the year!