In his letter to the Philippians,
The first quality that is sought in a person considering a ministerial vocation is their sincerity towards service. The decision is not one that comes lightly but through discernment by prayer and consultation with those who have served as role models in ministry.
Each candidate is looked at individually as to their educational background, intellectual and emotional capacity, health and conviction of faith. Sense of humor, compassion and character are also very important. The most viable candidates are often the individuals that people are the most relaxed in their presence.
Loving God, you sent your Spirit on the apostles to continue the mission of your Son, Jesus. We pray that you will now send your Spirit on our bishops, priests, deacons, sisters and brothers, filling them with zeal to evangelize your people.
We pray for all that are presently discerning your call, those in vocational formation and those preparing them. We pray that your bless our diocese with more priests and deacons, and religious congregations with new members.
Mary our Mother and patroness intercede for us that our pastoral needs may be fulfilled through Him who is Lord for ever and ever. Amen.